Returns a new GeoJSON geometry object of type “Polygon” approximating a circle on the surface of a sphere, with the current center, radius and precision. Any arguments are passed to the accessors.
d: DatumRest
...args: any[]Returns the current center accessor, which defaults to a function returning [0, 0].
Returns the current center accessor, which defaults to a function returning [0, 0].
...args: any[]Sets the circle center to the specified point [longitude, latitude] in degrees, and returns this circle generator. The center may also be specified as a function; this function will be invoked whenever a circle is generated, being passed any arguments passed to the circle generator.
Returns the current precision accessor, which defaults to a function returning 6.
Returns the current precision accessor, which defaults to a function returning 6.
...args: any[]Sets the circle precision to the specified angle in degrees, and returns this circle generator. The precision may also be specified as a function; this function will be invoked whenever a circle is generated, being passed any arguments passed to the circle generator.
Returns the current radius accessor, which defaults to a function returning 90.
Returns the current radius accessor, which defaults to a function returning 90.
...args: any[]Sets the circle radius to the specified angle in degrees, and returns this circle generator. The radius may also be specified as a function; this function will be invoked whenever a circle is generated, being passed any arguments passed to the circle generator.
A new circle generator
The first generic corresponds to the "this"-context within which the geo circle generator will be invoked.
The second generic corresponds to the type of the Datum which will be passed into the geo circle generator.