Returns a brighter copy of this color. If k is specified, it controls how much brighter the returned color should be. If k is not specified, it defaults to 1.
k: numberA color space dependent number to determine, how much brighter the returned color should be.
Returns a copy of this color.
values: { If values is specified, any enumerable own properties of values are assigned to the new returned color.
h?: numberOptional
l?: numberOptional
opacity?: numberOptional
s?: numberReturns a darker copy of this color. If k is specified, it controls how much darker the returned color should be. If k is not specified, it defaults to 1.
k: numberA color space dependent number to determine, how much darker the returned color should be.
Returns a string representing this color according to the CSS Color Module Level 3 specification, such as hsl(257, 50%, 80%) or hsla(257, 50%, 80%, 0.2). If this color is not displayable, a suitable displayable color is returned instead by clamping S and L channel values to the interval [0, 100].
Returns a string representing this color according to the CSS Object Model specification, such as rgb(247, 234, 186) or rgba(247, 234, 186, 0.2). If this color is not displayable, a suitable displayable color is returned instead by clamping RGB channel values to the interval [0, 255].
Returns a string representing this color according to the CSS Object Model specification, such as rgb(247, 234, 186) or rgba(247, 234, 186, 0.2). If this color is not displayable, a suitable displayable color is returned instead. For example, RGB channel values greater than 255 are clamped to 255.
Hue channel value.
Lightness channel value.
Opacity value.
Saturation channel value.
An HSL color object.