Either the desired number of uniform bins or a function which accepts as arguments the array of materialized values, and optionally the domain minimum and maximum. The function calculates and returns the suggested number of bins.
Set the array of values to be used as thresholds in determining the bins.
Any threshold values outside the domain are ignored. The first bin.x0 is always equal to the minimum domain value, and the last bin.x1 is always equal to the maximum domain value.
Either an array of threshold values used for binning. The elements must be of the same type as the materialized values of the histogram. Or a function which accepts as arguments the array of materialized values, and optionally the domain minimum and maximum. The function calculates and returns the array of values to be used as thresholds in determining the bins.
Divide the domain uniformly into approximately count bins. IMPORTANT: This threshold setting approach only works, when the materialized values are numbers!
Any threshold values outside the domain are ignored. The first bin.x0 is always equal to the minimum domain value, and the last bin.x1 is always equal to the maximum domain value.