indexThe zero-based index into the links array. Internally generated when calling ForceLink.links(...)
Link’s source node. For convenience, a link’s source and target properties may be initialized using numeric or string identifiers rather than object references; see link.id. When the link force is initialized (or re-initialized, as when the nodes or links change), any link.source or link.target property which is not an object is replaced by an object reference to the corresponding node with the given identifier. After initialization, the source property represents the source node object.
Link’s source link For convenience, a link’s source and target properties may be initialized using numeric or string identifiers rather than object references; see link.id. When the link force is initialized (or re-initialized, as when the nodes or links change), any link.source or link.target property which is not an object is replaced by an object reference to the corresponding node with the given identifier. After initialization, the target property represents the target node object.
The base data structure for the datum of a Simulation Link, as used by ForceLink. The optional properties contained in this data structure are internally assigned by when initializing with ForceLink.links(...)
IMPORTANT: The source and target properties may be internally mutated in type during the ForceLink initialization process (possibly being changed from a node index in the nodes array, or a node id string to the simulation node object which was mapped in using the current ForceLink.id(...) accessor function.)