A curve factory for cubic Catmull–Rom spline generators.
The curve generators produce a cubic Catmull–Rom spline using the specified control points and the parameter alpha,
which defaults to 0.5, as proposed by Yuksel et al. Unlike curveCatmullRom, one-sided differences are not used for the first and last piece,
and thus the curve starts at the second point and ends at the penultimate point.
A curve factory for cubic Catmull–Rom spline generators.
The curve generators produce a cubic Catmull–Rom spline using the specified control points and the parameter alpha, which defaults to 0.5, as proposed by Yuksel et al. Unlike curveCatmullRom, one-sided differences are not used for the first and last piece, and thus the curve starts at the second point and ends at the penultimate point.