⚠️ Internal: This API is not publically exported by the package.

Interface UserAndRepoOptions

interface UserAndRepoOptions {
    assignee?: string;
    body?: string;
    labels?: string[];
    milestone?: string;
    projects?: string[];
    repo: string;
    template?: string;
    title?: string;
    user: string;



assignee?: string

The user to assign to the issue.

Requires the user to have the permission to add assignee.

body?: string

The issue body.

labels?: string[]

The labels for the issue.

Requires the user to have the permission to add labels.

milestone?: string

The milestone for the issue.

Requires the user to have the permission to add milestone.

projects?: string[]

The projects to add the issue to. The project reference format is user/<project-number>, for example, if the URL to the project is https://github.com/sindresorhus/some-repo/projects/3, the project reference would be some-repo/3.

Requires the user to have the permission to add projects.

repo: string

GitHub repo.

template?: string


'unicorn.md' // If you want to use a template at `ISSUE_TEMPLATE/unicorn.md`.
title?: string

The issue title.

user: string

GitHub username or organization.