⚠️ Internal: This API is not publically exported by the package.
interface DispatchOptions {
    blocking?: boolean;
    body?: string | Buffer | Uint8Array | Readable | FormData;
    bodyTimeout?: number;
    expectContinue?: boolean;
    headers?: string[] | IncomingHttpHeaders | Iterable<[string, string | string[]]>;
    headersTimeout?: number;
    idempotent?: boolean;
    method: HttpMethod;
    origin?: string | URL;
    path: string;
    query?: Record<string, any>;
    reset?: boolean;
    throwOnError?: boolean;
    upgrade?: string | boolean;



blocking?: boolean

Whether the response is expected to take a long time and would end up blocking the pipeline. When this is set to true further pipelining will be avoided on the same connection until headers have been received.

body?: string | Buffer | Uint8Array | Readable | FormData

Default: null

bodyTimeout?: number

The timeout after which a request will time out, in milliseconds. Monitors time between receiving body data. Use 0 to disable it entirely. Defaults to 300 seconds.

expectContinue?: boolean

For H2, it appends the expect: 100-continue header, and halts the request body until a 100-continue is received from the remote server

headers?: string[] | IncomingHttpHeaders | Iterable<[string, string | string[]]>

Default: null

headersTimeout?: number

The amount of time, in milliseconds, the parser will wait to receive the complete HTTP headers. Defaults to 300 seconds.

idempotent?: boolean

Whether the requests can be safely retried or not. If false the request won't be sent until all preceding requests in the pipeline have completed. Default: true if method is HEAD or GET.

method: HttpMethod
origin?: string | URL
path: string
query?: Record<string, any>

Query string params to be embedded in the request URL. Default: null

reset?: boolean

Whether the request should stablish a keep-alive or not. Default false

throwOnError?: boolean

Whether Undici should throw an error upon receiving a 4xx or 5xx response from the server. Defaults to false

upgrade?: string | boolean

Upgrade the request. Should be used to specify the kind of upgrade i.e. 'Websocket'. Default: method === 'CONNECT' || null.