hello-world-wasm-pack-lib - v1.0.0

"Hello world!" wasm-pack library

🦀 Greeter demo using wasm-pack to create an npm package

import { greet, Calculator } from "hello-world-wasm-pack-lib";

greet("Alan Turing");
//=> 'Hello Alan Turing!'

const calc = new Calculator();
//=> 10
//=> 200

Docs | npm package


npm Yarn pnpm Deno Bun jsDelivr

You can install this package using your favorite npm package manager like npm, Yarn, pnpm, or Bun.

npm install hello-world-wasm-pack-lib

If you're using Deno you can import it straight from npm:

import {} from "npm:hello-world-wasm-pack-lib";

If you prefer to go buildless in the browser you can use an npm CDN like jsDelivr or esm.sh.

<script type="module">
import {} from "https://esm.run/hello-world-wasm-pack-lib";


Node.js Deno Bun Browser

You should be able to just import and use this JavaScript package like any other. The WASM magic is hidden behind a really nice wrapper layer.

import { greet, Calculator, get_report } from "hello-world-wasm-pack-lib";

greet("Alan Turing");
//=> 'Hello Alan Turing!'

const report = get_report();
//=> Report {
// dog_count: 5,
// bouncy_castles: 3,
// fun_percent: 76.8
// }

📚 You can find complete API documentation on the docs website


Rust WebAssembly JavaScript

To build the JavaScript package just run ./just build. Then you can cd into the pkg/ folder if you want and launch a REPL to try it out!

./just build
cd pkg

If you need to edit the pkg.patch file, you can do so via the below command. It will create two folders: a/ and b/. Edit anything in the b/ folder and a .patch will be generated against the a/ folder and saved to pkg.patch.

./just generate-patch
# Pauses while you make changes...