⚠️ Internal: This API is not publically exported by the package.

      Class Arbitrary<T>Abstract

      Abstract class able to generate values on type T

      The values generated by an instance of Arbitrary can be previewed - with sample - or classified - with statistics.


      Since 0.0.7

      Type Parameters

      • T



      • Check if a given value could be pass to shrink without providing any context.

        In general, canShrinkWithoutContext is not designed to be called for each shrink but rather on very special cases. Its usage must be restricted to canShrinkWithoutContext or in the rare* contexts of a shrink method being called without any context. In this ill-formed case of shrink, canShrinkWithoutContext could be used or called if needed.

        *we fall in that case when fast-check is asked to shrink a value that has been provided manually by the user, in other words: a value not coming from a call to generate or a normal shrink with context.


        • value: unknown

          Value to be assessed

        Returns value is T

        true if and only if the value could have been generated by this instance


        Since 3.0.0

      • Create another arbitrary by mapping a value from a base Arbirary using the provided fmapper Values produced by the new arbitrary are the result of the arbitrary generated by applying fmapper to a value

        Type Parameters

        • U


        • chainer: ((t) => Arbitrary<U>)

          Chain function, to produce a new Arbitrary using a value from another Arbitrary

        Returns Arbitrary<U>

        New arbitrary of new type


        const arrayAndLimitArbitrary = fc.nat().chain((c: number) => fc.tuple( fc.array(fc.nat(c)), fc.constant(c)));


        Since 1.2.0

      • Create another arbitrary by filtering values against predicate

        All the values produced by the resulting arbitrary satisfy predicate(value) == true

        Be aware that using filter may highly impact the time required to generate a valid entry

        Type Parameters

        • U


        • refinement: ((t) => t is U)

          Predicate, to test each produced element. Return true to keep the element, false otherwise

            • (t): t is U
            • Parameters

              • t: T

              Returns t is U

        Returns Arbitrary<U>

        New arbitrary filtered using predicate


        const integerGenerator: Arbitrary<number> = ...;
        const evenIntegerGenerator: Arbitrary<number> = integerGenerator.filter(e => e % 2 === 0);
        // new Arbitrary only keeps even values


        Since 1.23.0

      • Create another arbitrary by filtering values against predicate

        All the values produced by the resulting arbitrary satisfy predicate(value) == true

        Be aware that using filter may highly impact the time required to generate a valid entry


        • predicate: ((t) => boolean)

          Predicate, to test each produced element. Return true to keep the element, false otherwise

            • (t): boolean
            • Parameters

              • t: T

              Returns boolean

        Returns Arbitrary<T>

        New arbitrary filtered using predicate


        const integerGenerator: Arbitrary<number> = ...;
        const evenIntegerGenerator: Arbitrary<number> = integerGenerator.filter(e => e % 2 === 0);
        // new Arbitrary only keeps even values


        Since 0.0.1

      • Generate a value of type T along with its context (if any) based on the provided random number generator


        • mrng: Random

          Random number generator

        • biasFactor: number

          If taken into account 1 value over biasFactor must be biased. Either integer value greater or equal to 2 (bias) or undefined (no bias)

        Returns Value<T>

        Random value of type T and its context


        Since 0.0.1 (return type changed in 3.0.0)

      • Create another arbitrary by mapping all produced values using the provided mapper Values produced by the new arbitrary are the result of applying mapper value by value

        Type Parameters

        • U


        • mapper: ((t) => U)

          Map function, to produce a new element based on an old one

            • (t): U
            • Parameters

              • t: T

              Returns U

        • Optional unmapper: ((possiblyU) => T)

          Optional unmap function, it will never be used except when shrinking user defined values. Must throw if value is not compatible (since 3.0.0)

            • (possiblyU): T
            • Parameters

              • possiblyU: unknown

              Returns T

        Returns Arbitrary<U>

        New arbitrary with mapped elements


        const rgbChannels: Arbitrary<{r:number,g:number,b:number}> = ...;
        const color: Arbitrary<string> = rgbChannels.map(ch => `#${(ch.r*65536 + ch.g*256 + ch.b).toString(16).padStart(6, '0')}`);
        // transform an Arbitrary producing {r,g,b} integers into an Arbitrary of '#rrggbb'


        Since 0.0.1

      • Create another Arbitrary that cannot be biased

        Returns Arbitrary<T>


        Since 1.1.0

      • Create another Arbitrary with no shrink values

        Returns Arbitrary<T>

        Create another arbitrary with no shrink values


        const dataGenerator: Arbitrary<string> = ...;
        const unshrinkableDataGenerator: Arbitrary<string> = dataGenerator.noShrink();
        // same values no shrink


        Since 0.0.9

      • Shrink a value of type T, may rely on the context previously provided to shrink efficiently

        Must never be called with possibly invalid values and no context without ensuring that such call is legal by calling canShrinkWithoutContext first on the value.


        • value: T

          The value to shrink

        • context: unknown

          Its associated context (the one returned by generate) or undefined if no context but canShrinkWithoutContext(value) === true

        Returns Stream<Value<T>>

        Stream of shrinks for value based on context (if provided)


        Since 3.0.0