A lightweight and powerful lavalink v4 client for NodeJs.
Node.js LTS (or higher) is required to use lavaclient.
(p)npm install lavaclient
// or
yarn add lavaclient
(p)npm install lavaclient@next
// or
yarn add lavaclient@next
Take a look at lavadeno :)
import { Cluster, Node, type NodeOptions } from "lavaclient";
const info: NodeOptions["info"] = {
host: "",
port: 2333,
auth: "youshallnotpass"
// If you only have a single lavalink node, use the `Node` class.
const lavaclient = new Node({
ws: {
// The client name to use, defaults to some very long string lol.
clientName: "my very cool bot",
// Resuming is enabled by default, but you can disable it if you want.
// The timeout defaults to 1 minute.
resuming: false | { timeout: 30_000 },
// The reconnecting options, this is enabled by default.
// If you want to disable it, set it to `false`.
reconnecting: {
// The number of tries to reconnect before giving up, defaults to Infinity.
tries: 3,
// The delay in milliseconds between each attempt, defaults to 5 seconds.
// This can either be a function that accepts the current try and returns the delay, or a static delay.
delay: (attempt) => attempt * 1_000
rest: {
// Whether lavalink should return stack traces for requests that ran into exceptions.
enableTrace: true,
// The fetch implementation to use, defaults to node.js built-in fetch.
fetch: fetch,
// The user agent to use for requests, defaults to some very long string lol.
userAgent: "my very cool bot (v1.0.0, <user id>)"
discord: {
sendGatewayCommand: (id, payload) => // Send the payload to the Discord Gateway.
// If you have multiple lavalink nodes, use the `Cluster` class.
const lavaclient = new Cluster({
// An array of lavalink node options, this supports the same thing as the `Node` class.
nodes: [{ info }],
discord: {
sendGatewayCommand: (id, payload) => // Send the payload to the Discord Gateway.
// Connect to the lavalink node(s).
await lavaclient.connect("1077037369850605599");
const player = lavaclient.players.create("<guild id>");
// Passing `true` as the 2nd arg will skip checking if the player exists locally.
await lavaclient.players.destroy("<guild id>", true);
If you want a player to leave the voice channel, you can do this first:
import { S, getUserData } from "lavaclient";
const results = await lavaclient.api.loadTracks("ytsearch:never gonna give you up");
if (results.loadType === "search") {
const track = results.data[0];
// You can pass a track object directly.
await player.play(track);
// If you want to pass some user data to the track, you can do this:
await player.play({
encoded: track.encoded,
userData: { requesterId: interaction.user.id },
// There's also an option to pass a user data schema for type-safe user data values.
const schema = S.struct({
requesterId: S.string,
await player.play({
encoded: track.encoded,
userData: { requesterId: interaction.user.id },
userDataSchema: schema,
getUserData(player.track, schema); // { requesterId: string }
player.setFilters({ volume: 0.5 });
player.setFilters("volume", 0.5);
// A little experimental but you can transfer a player to a different node.
Lavalink requires you to forward voice server & state updates to it so that it can connect to the voice channel.
Here's a discord.js v14 example:
import { Client, GatewayDispatchEvents } from "discord.js";
const client = new Client({ ... });
client.ws.on(GatewayDispatchEvents.VoiceStateUpdate, (u) => lavaclient.players.handleVoiceUpdate(u));
client.ws.on(GatewayDispatchEvents.VoiceServerUpdate, (u) => lavaclient.players.handleVoiceUpdate(u));