Function getRelatedItemRecommendations

  • Get recommendations for items based on an item id. Either a userId or a sessionId must be provided. If a userId and a sessionId are provided, the userId will be used. Authenticates: Gets related-item recommendations:

    Returns Promise<{
        evaluatedScenarios?: {
            default?: {
                scenarioName?: string;
                scenarioType?: NonNullable<NonNullable<"alias" | "ab_test" | "case" | "condition" | undefined>>;
                to?: string;
            genericDefault?: {
                scenarioName?: string;
                scenarioType?: NonNullable<NonNullable<"alias" | "ab_test" | "case" | "condition" | undefined>>;
                to?: string;
            genericRuntime?: {
                scenarioName?: string;
                scenarioType?: NonNullable<NonNullable<"alias" | "ab_test" | "case" | "condition" | undefined>>;
                to?: string;
            recommendationType?: NonNullable<"item_to_items" | "profile_to_items" | "session_to_items" | "profile_to_items_w_ctx_items" | "session_to_items_w_ctx_items" | "precomputed_item_to_items" | "precomputed_profile_to_items" | "item_properties_to_items" | "profile_to_item_properties" | "session_to_item_properties" | "profiles_group_to_items" | "chat_to_items" | "generic_input_to_items" | "llm_text_completion" | "llm_chat_completion" | undefined>;
            runtime?: {
                scenarioName?: string;
                scenarioType?: NonNullable<NonNullable<"alias" | "ab_test" | "case" | "condition" | undefined>>;
                to?: string;
        itemIds: string[];
        nextCursor?: string;
        warnings?: string[];