⚠️ Internal: This API is not publically exported by the package.

Authentication/Authorization credentials

interface InitialCredentials {
    currentDatabaseId?: string;
    email?: string;
    password?: string;
    refreshToken?: string;
    refreshTokenExpectedExpiration?: Date;
    serviceLoginId?: string;
    token?: string;
    tokenExpectedExpiration?: Date;



currentDatabaseId?: string
email?: string

email is used as the individual login Id. Do not provide a value for email when logging in with a service account.

password?: string

Password for either service, or individual account. Note: keep this property a secret for accounts with roles other than frontend. frontend account passwords may be stored in plane text as part of your codebase.

refreshToken?: string
refreshTokenExpectedExpiration?: Date

Values for this property should only be generated by the client itself. Guessing the value of this property will result in sub-optimal performance.

serviceLoginId?: string
token?: string
tokenExpectedExpiration?: Date

Values for this property should only be generated by the client itself. Guessing the value of this property will result in sub-optimal performance.