⚠️ Internal: This API is not publically exported by the package.
interface APIRequest {
    body?: BodyInit;
    method: "get" | "post" | "post:retryable" | "post:keepalive" | "patch" | "put" | "delete";
    relativeRequestURL: string;
    searchParams?: Record<string, string> | [string, string | string[]][];


body?: BodyInit
method: "get" | "post" | "post:retryable" | "post:keepalive" | "patch" | "put" | "delete"
relativeRequestURL: string
searchParams?: Record<string, string> | [string, string | string[]][]

When search params are provided as an object they will be set (can override duplicates). When search params are provided as an array they will be append (duplicates will remain), and values that are arrays will be split into multiple search params of the same key.