⚠️ Internal: This API is not publically exported by the package.

Type alias APSFrameCounterResponseTLV

APSFrameCounterResponseTLV: {
    apsFrameCounter: number;
    challengeSecurityFrameCounter: number;
    mic: Buffer;
    receivedChallengeValue: Buffer;
    responderEui64: EUI64;

Type declaration

  • apsFrameCounter: number

    The current outgoing APS security frame counter held by the Responder EUI64 device.

  • challengeSecurityFrameCounter: number

    The AES-CCM-128 outgoing frame counter used to generate the MIC over the octet sequence { tag || length || responder EUI-64 || received challenge value || APS frame counter } using the special nonce and AES-128 key for frame counter synchronization.

  • mic: Buffer

    The AES-128-CCM 64-bit MIC (security level 2) on all previous fields of this TLV, excluding the challenge security frame counter, including Tag ID and length fields.

  • receivedChallengeValue: Buffer

    A randomly generated 64-bit value previously received in the APSFrameCounterChallengeTLV.

  • responderEui64: EUI64

    The EUI64 of the device that is responding to the Security_Challenge_req with its own challenge.