⚠️ Internal: This API is not publically exported by the package.

Type alias FragmentationParametersGlobalTLV

FragmentationParametersGlobalTLV: {
    fragmentationOptions?: number;
    maxIncomingTransferUnit?: number;
    nwkAddress: NodeId;

Type declaration

  • Optional fragmentationOptions?: number

    This bitfield indicates what fragmentation options are supported by the device. It has the following enumerated bits:

    • Bit 0 = APS Fragmentation Supported. Set to 1 to indicate support; 0 to indicate no support If set to 1, the maximum reassembled message size is indicated by the Maximum Incoming Transfer Unit.
    • Bit 1-7 = Reserved for future use

    XXX: Assumed optional from minimum length of TLV in spec

  • Optional maxIncomingTransferUnit?: number

    This is a copy of the local device’s apsMaxSizeASDU AIB value. This indicates the maximum reassembled message size at the application layer after fragmentation has been applied on the message at the lower layers. A device supporting fragmentation would set this field to be larger than the normal payload size of the underlying NWK and MAC layer.

    XXX: Assumed optional from minimum length of TLV in spec

  • nwkAddress: NodeId

    This indicates the node ID of the device that the subsequent fragmentation parameters apply to.