⚠️ Internal: This API is not publically exported by the package.

Type alias BindingTableEntry

BindingTableEntry: {
    clusterId: ClusterId;
    dest: NodeId | EUI64;
    destAddrMode: number;
    destEndpoint?: number;
    sourceEndpoint: number;
    sourceEui64: EUI64;

Type declaration

  • clusterId: ClusterId

    The identifier of the cluster on the source device that is bound to the destination device.

  • dest: NodeId | EUI64

    The destination address for the binding entry. 2-byte or 8-byte

  • destAddrMode: number

    The addressing mode for the destination address. This field can take one of the non-reserved values from the following list:

    • 0x00 = reserved
    • 0x01 = 16-bit group address for DstAddr and DstEndpoint not present
    • 0x02 = reserved
    • 0x03 = 64-bit extended address for DstAddr and DstEndp present
    • 0x04 – 0xff = reserved
  • Optional destEndpoint?: number

    This field shall be present only if the DstAddrMode field has a value of 0x03 and, if present, shall be the destination endpoint for the binding entry.

  • sourceEndpoint: number

    The source endpoint for the binding entry.

  • sourceEui64: EUI64

    The source IEEE address for the binding entry.