⚠️ Internal: This API is not publically exported by the package.

Type alias NwkUnsolicitedEnhancedUpdateResponse

NwkUnsolicitedEnhancedUpdateResponse: {
    channelInUse: number;
    macTxUCastFailures: number;
    macTxUCastRetries: number;
    macTxUCastTotal: number;
    timePeriod: number;

Type declaration

  • channelInUse: number

    The five most significant bits (b27,..., b31) represent the binary encoded Channel Page. The 27 least significant bits (b0, b1,... b26) indicate which channels is in use (1 = in use, 0 = not in use) for each of the 27 valid channels.

  • macTxUCastFailures: number

    Total number of failed Tx Transactions. So if the Mac sent a single packet, it will be retried 4 times without ACK, that counts as 1 failure.

  • macTxUCastRetries: number

    Total number of Mac Retries regardless of whether the transaction resulted in success or failure.

  • macTxUCastTotal: number

    Total number of Mac Tx Transactions to attempt to send a message (but not counting retries)

  • timePeriod: number

    Time period over which MACTxyyy results are measured (in minutes)