⚠️ Internal: This API is not publically exported by the package.

Type alias NodeDescriptorResponse

NodeDescriptorResponse: {
    apsFlags: number;
    capabilities: MACCapabilityFlags;
    deprecated1: number;
    fragmentationSupported: boolean | undefined;
    frequencyBand: number;
    logicalType: number;
    manufacturerCode: number;
    maxBufSize: number;
    maxIncTxSize: number;
    maxOutTxSize: number;
    nwkAddress: NodeId;
    serverMask: ServerMask;
} & TLVs

Type declaration

  • apsFlags: number

    Specifies the application support sub-layer capabilities of the node. Currently not supported, should be zero

  • capabilities: MACCapabilityFlags

    Specifies the node capabilities.

  • deprecated1: number
  • fragmentationSupported: boolean | undefined

    R23 and above (determined via other means if not). Indicates whether the device supports fragmentation at the APS layer.

  • frequencyBand: number

    Specifies the frequency bands that are supported by the underlying IEEE Std 802.15.4 radio(s) utilized by the node. Bits:

    • 0 = 868 – 868.6 MHz
    • 1 = Reserved
    • 2 = 902 – 928 MHz
    • 3 = 2400 – 2483.5 MHz
    • 4 = GB Smart Energy sub-GHz bands: (863-876MHz and 915-921MHz)
  • logicalType: number

    000 == Zigbee Coordinator, 001 == Zigbee Router, 010 === Zigbee End Device, 011-111 === Reserved

  • manufacturerCode: number

    Specifies a manufacturer code that is allocated by the Connectivity Standards Alliance, relating the manufacturer to the device.

  • maxBufSize: number

    Specifies the maximum size, in octets, of the network sub-layer data unit (NSDU) for this node. This is the maximum size of data or commands passed to or from the application by the application support sub-layer, before any fragmentation or re-assembly. This field can be used as a high-level indication for network management. Valid range of 0x00-0x7f.

  • maxIncTxSize: number

    Indicates the device's apsMaxSizeASDU AIB value. Specifies the maximum size, in octets, of the application sub-layer data unit (ASDU) that can be transferred to this node in one single message transfer. This value can exceed the value of the node maximum buffer size field (see section through the use of fragmentation. Valid range of 0x0000-0x7fff.

  • maxOutTxSize: number

    Specifies the maximum size, in octets, of the application sub-layer data unit (ASDU) that can be transferred from this node in one single message transfer. This value can exceed the value of the node 2777 maximum buffer size field (see section through the use of fragmentation. Valid range of 0x0000-0x7fff.

  • nwkAddress: NodeId

    NWK address for the request.

  • serverMask: ServerMask

    The system server capabilities of this node