⚠️ Internal: This API is not publically exported by the package.

Type alias SimpleDescriptorResponse

SimpleDescriptorResponse: {
    deviceId: number;
    deviceVersion: number;
    endpoint: number;
    inClusterList: ClusterId[];
    length: number;
    nwkAddress: NodeId;
    outClusterList: ClusterId[];
    profileId: ProfileId;

Type declaration

  • deviceId: number

    Specifies the device description supported on this endpoint. Device description identifiers SHALL be obtained from the Connectivity Standards Alliance.

  • deviceVersion: number

    Specifies the version of the device description supported on this endpoint. The application device version field SHALL be set to one of the non-reserved values listed in Table 2-41. Default SHALL be 0000 unless otherwise defined by the application profile. Valid range 0000-1111, others reserved

  • endpoint: number

    Specifies the endpoint within the node to which this description refers. Applications SHALL only use endpoints 1-254. Endpoints 241-254 SHALL be used only with the approval of the Connectivity Standards Alliance. The Green Power cluster, if implemented, SHALL use endpoint 242.

  • inClusterList: ClusterId[]

    Specifies the list of input clusters supported on this endpoint, for use during the service discovery and binding procedures. The application input cluster list field SHALL be included only if the value of the application input cluster count field is greater than zero.

  • length: number

    Length of the descriptor

  • nwkAddress: NodeId

    NWK address for the request.

  • outClusterList: ClusterId[]

    Specifies the list of output clusters supported on this endpoint, for use during the service discovery and binding procedures. The application output cluster list field SHALL be included only if the value of the application output cluster count field is greater than zero.

  • profileId: ProfileId

    Specifies the profile that is supported on this endpoint. Profile identifiers SHALL be obtained from the Connectivity Standards Alliance.