⚠️ Internal: This API is not publically exported by the package.

Type alias NwkEnhancedUpdateResponse

NwkEnhancedUpdateResponse: {
    entryList: number[];
    scannedChannels: number;
    totalFailures: number;
    totalTransmissions: number;

Type declaration

  • entryList: number[]

    The result of an energy measurement made on this channel in accordance with [B1]. 0xff if there is too much interference on this channel.

  • scannedChannels: number

    The five most significant bits (b27,..., b31) represent the binary encoded Channel Page. The 27 least significant bits (b0, b1,... b26) indicate which channels were scanned (1 = scan, 0 = do not scan) for each of the 27 valid channels.

  • totalFailures: number

    Sum of the total transmission failures reported by the device.

  • totalTransmissions: number

    Count of the total transmissions reported by the device.